Transforming heritage: from 2D to 3D digitisation


Webinar 2: Friday 10 November The webinar series returns after the first webinar at 27 October. The focus is on the use of 3D digitsation for cultural heritage reuse and research. The webinar ist intended for archivists and records management professionals, CHI professionals, 3D digitsation and digital infrastructure providers, digital humanities researchers , and students […]

EuropeanaTech presents: Acoustics and sound in cultural heritage


This webinar, organised by EuropeanaTech, highlights a topic highly relevant to the cultural heritage sector: acoustics and the preservation and presentation of historic acoustic spaces. The webinar on Nov 22 will be held online. Register now!

Europeana Impact Café Explore the Europeana Impact Playbook, Phase two


Join this Café from the Europeana Impact Community, focusing on Phase two of the Europeana Impact Playbook. The Europeana Initiative started talking about impact over a decade ago. They want to bring you along on this impact journey by introducing the revised Impact Playbook. The Impact Cafés will give you the opportunity to come together […]

Ida Pfeiffer – Forschungsreisende und Sammlerin im 19. Jahrhundert

NHM Wien Vienna, Austria

Ida Pfeiffer (1797–1858) unternahm zwischen 1842 und 1858 fünf große Reisen in verschiedene Länder und Erdteile. Zahlreiche Naturalien, die sie von ihren Expeditionen mitgebracht hatte, bereicherten die Bestände des k.k. Naturalienkabinetts. Darunter waren auch einige bisher unbekannte Arten. Der Vortragsabend beleuchtet Biographie und Forschungsleistungen der Wiener Weltreisenden und stellt sie in einen größeren historischen Kontext. […]

ENA General Assembly 2023


The Europeana Network Association will hold its General Assembly meeting on 29 November 2023. The aim is to engage in interactive discussions around the strategic interests of ENA and the Europeana Initiative. The main topic will be the common European data space for cultural heritage and how the ENA members can contribute to it. Register […]

Europeana Impact Café Explore the Europeana Impact Playbook, Phase three


Join this Café from the Europeana Impact Community, focusing on Phase three of the Europeana Impact Playbook. The Europeana Initiative started talking about impact over a decade ago. They want to bring you along on this impact journey by introducing the revised Impact Playbook. The Impact Cafés will give you the opportunity to come together […]

EuropeanaTech presents: Acoustics and sound in cultural heritage


This webinar, organised by EuropeanaTech, highlights a topic highly relevant to the cultural heritage sector: acoustics and the preservation and presentation of historic acoustic spaces. The webinar on Dec 4 will be held online. Register now!

IIIF 2023 Online Meeting


The 2023 Online Meeting will take place December 5-7 and is free to attend. It is open for a wide range of participants and meant to introduce newcomers to IIIF and to provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of IIIF and its resources. The call for proposals is open until September 15, 2023. The […]

Europeana Impact Café Explore the Europeana Impact Playbook, Phase four


Join this Café from the Europeana Impact Community, focusing on Phase four of the Europeana Impact Playbook. The Europeana Initiative started talking about impact over a decade ago. They want to bring you along on this impact journey by introducing the revised Impact Playbook. The Impact Cafés will give you the opportunity to come together […]

Copyright office hours on cross-border uses of copyright-protected materials


Join this copyright office hours session to discuss cross-border uses: clarifying questions around the applicable jurisdiction when using copyright-protected material, with peers and experts in the copyright community. The webinar, organized by the Europeana Copyright Community, will be held online. Registration will be available soon!

Humboldt Futures

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Sophienstraße 22A, Berlin, Germany

Humboldt Futures is a projection project putting light on the debates and discussions about the Berlin Humboldt Forum and putting it into the frame of today's challenges. With opening the Digital Twin of the Humboldt Forum to the public, it aims to contribute to the growing discussions about the world's future. You can join this […]