This page provides diverse training resources created by the OpenUp! team for you and your digital natural (or cultural) history projects. Feel free to browse through the resources and check if they fit your purposes. If you want to know more about a specific training, do not hesitate to contact us.

IIIF Image and Manifest Creation

In order to improve sustainability and interoperability when it comes to digital representations of cultural objects, the natural history community wants to enhance the usage of the IIIF APIs and framework. There are various different ways to make images IIIF compatible and it is often hard to determine one’s needs and the right workflow to apply. The IIIF community offers many resources you can browse through.

To address the enhancement of IIIF, OpenUp! created Training Guides for the IIIF Image and Presentation API, which were first presented at the EuropeanaTech 2023. Visit our pages for the Image Conversion Guide and the Manifest Creation Guide to learn more about those topics. To gain a general overview you can also look through the attached presentation for both tools.

IIIF and the Natural History Community

The video below explains why IIIF plays an important role in the future development of the Natural History Community and the research connected to it. The video mentions how IIIF is built through the two APIs, the Image API and the Presentation API. There are some additional APIs, but for the basic structure of IIIF there are only those two needed.