Europeana Low-Code Fest

Inspired by examples like DigiEduhack and the Social Hackathon Umbria, the Europeana Education Community invites you to the Europeana social and educational low-code hackathon - Low-Code Fest! In this annual event we invite educators and cultural heritage professionals to prototype with their students an educational and social innovative product using Europeana’s APIs. This programme and […]

Enriching Film Heritage Data with OpenRefine


This webinar, organised by DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum and The European Film Gateway will give an overview of how the tool OpenRefine can be used for enriching and transforming data.

Policy office hours on open access, copyright and ethics


Join this copyright office hours session to discuss open access, copyright and ethics: a discussion on the intersection between the lack of copyright limitations and ethical reuse, with peers and experts in the copyright community.

Copyright office hours on collective rights management


Join this copyright office hours session to discuss collective rights management: understanding how this type of licensing works, when it is suitable, and how to best negotiate licensing conditions, with peers and experts in the copyright community.

20th Tirennial Conference of ICOM-CC Valencia 2023

Valencia , Spain

Registration for the 20th Triennial Conference of ICOM-CC Valencia 2023 is now open to all heritage professionals and students. The event is organised by ICOM-CC and Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Among other issues, the conference will discuss the role of sustainability in the field of cultural heritage conservation. For more information, visit the website […]

Copyright office hours on user-generated rights


The Europeana Copyright Community's 'Copyright office hours' offer you a space to ask questions about copyright and digital cultural heritage. During this seesion, user-generated rights will be discussed: the rights and permission that need to be managed when individuals contribute cultural heritage data. Register now for your online ticket!

ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023: ‘Skills for Digital Tomorrow’

Zagreb , Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

'Skills for Digital Tomorrow' is an opportunity to explore the digital skills needed to navigate the future. The Summit is organised by All Digital. Its program will feature engaging lectures, insightful panels, interactive workshops and presentations focusing on digital education, with a special emphasis on emerging technologies and their impact on education and society. Fore […]

The 27th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries

Zadar , Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) is a yearly date for researchers on Digital Libraries and related topics. For over twenty-five years TPDL has been an international reference forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. TPDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries”, including new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content; and theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing.

Immersive Media Presentation


The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision organizes a webinar about Immersive Media Presentation on Tuesday, 26th. It aims to be a place to reflect collectively on the next steps for immersive media in the field and will be followed by a Q&A. Visit the website to sign up for the webinar.

Europeana Impact Community Café – Collecting the data that matters: impact and digital cultural heritage


We need reliable data on digitisation. Where are we at the national, international and conceptual level? In this Impact Community Café, we're welcoming participants for an open conversation about what we know, and don't know, about the digitisation of Europe's heritage collections and its impact. The event will be organised by the Europeana community. Register […]

Constellations of Images: ‘The Grande Conversion’ in Cultural Archives

EPFL Pavilions Lausanne, Switzerland

This event, organised by Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+), EPFL, Lausanne, offers a series of talks drawing on disciplinary perspectives and examples, showcasing the progress and advantages of working with ever-changing technologies. Register and get more information on the hybrid event.