Boost your educational activities with an Erasmus+ KA2 partnership!


The first deadline for submitting project proposals for Erasmus+ funding under the Key Action 2 "Cooperation Partnerships" is the next 23rd of March 2022. The event will represent an opportunity to share own needs/expectations and propose ideas for future projects among partners from different EU countries. Don't miss this opportunity, fill out first this online […]

Risks and challenges: Communicating to audiences in the global media environment


The Datathon will explore mapping digital audiences methods and will present a prototype of a new web app solution that is currently being co-designed in collaboration with the Museum Science Group in London and Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore. The Datathon will also feature a number of innovative digital audience research projects developed by museums […]


Belgrade , Serbia

After successful last year’s 1st Conference, this year we want to emphasize digital ethics, innovative learning and workplace learning in the context of developing competencies needed for delivering new digital content. Due to epidemic conditions the conference mode remains unchanged – online and free of charge. The Conference provides an excellent forum for librarians, teachers […]

SPNHC 2022

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

‘Through the door and through the web: releasing the power of natural history collections onsite and online’  The meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC), International Partner – BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library) and National Partner – NatSCA (Natural Sciences Collections Association) will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK from the […]

2022 IIIF Annual Conference

Harvard University Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States

The 2022 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Annual Conference will be held in-person in Cambridge, MA (USA) June 6-8. The conference will be co-hosted by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Open Repositories 2022

Auraria Campus Denver

Building Trust Together: Integrating, Collaborating & Sharing OR2022 will provide an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ways repositories enable trust, integration, collaboration and sharing. It will give participants new insights and inspiration, which will play a key role in developing, supporting and sharing an open agenda and open tools for research and scholarship.

Europeana Aggregator’s Forum Outreach Event


Join this event - organised by the Europeana Aggregators' Forum - to discover the role which aggregators and cultural heritage institutions play in publishing and processing data on Europeana’s infrastructure and in the common European data space for cultural heritage.

Preserving heritage, inspiring tourism: Building on the Europeana – Cultural Routes of Europe collaboration


The event will bring together professionals with interest in cultural heritage and tourism and aims to inspire participants to build strong connections and explore viable collaborations. It is organised by the Europeana Foundation, Jewish Heritage Network and The European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ).

The ontology of Wikidata: how to interact with it for a better quality.


This webinar will explore the characteristics of Wikidata and how to correctly add new items related to concepts absent in Wikidata by setting the relationships between them and the pre-existing elements. It is organised by Michael Culture Association as part of the common European data space for cultural heritage.

Europeana Low-Code Fest

Inspired by examples like DigiEduhack and the Social Hackathon Umbria, the Europeana Education Community invites you to the Europeana social and educational low-code hackathon - Low-Code Fest! In this annual event we invite educators and cultural heritage professionals to prototype with their students an educational and social innovative product using Europeana’s APIs. This programme and […]