Policy office hours on open access, copyright and ethics


Join this copyright office hours session to discuss open access, copyright and ethics: a discussion on the intersection between the lack of copyright limitations and ethical reuse, with peers and […]

Copyright office hours on collective rights management


Join this copyright office hours session to discuss collective rights management: understanding how this type of licensing works, when it is suitable, and how to best negotiate licensing conditions, with […]

Copyright office hours on user-generated rights


The Europeana Copyright Community's 'Copyright office hours' offer you a space to ask questions about copyright and digital cultural heritage. During this seesion, user-generated rights will be discussed: the rights […]

EuropeanaTech Conference 2023

The Hague The Hague, Netherlands

We are delighted to announce that EuropeanaTech 2023 will be taking place in The Hague, the Netherlands, from 10 - 12 October 2023. EuropeanaTech 2023 is organised in collaboration with […]

DaSCHCon on IIIF, 3D & Interoperability

Basel Basel, Switzerland

The event, taking place ins Basel, Switzerland, will be about IIIF and the ongoing work regarding the development of a conceptual framework for 3D objects. It is a One-Day-Event with […]