International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science: a woman making experiments in test tubes. Photograph, c. 1933. – 1933Wellcome Collection, United Kingdom – CC BY

Women and Girls in Science – A Positioning

In 2015 the General Assembly of the United Nations decided to establish an annual recognition of the importance of women and girls in science. Due to society’s structural premises shaping our history and presence, many young girls are fighting with expectations they cannot conform to and fields of knowledge they are afraid of being interested in. These findings can especially be seen in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) that count to the most crucial fields concerning the world’s economy. At the moment only 33.3 % of all students in STEM related fields of study are women. Despite being intellectually equally enabled, the encouragement on the part of schools, family and society is missing.

These structural flaws shall vanish according to the 2030 Agenda of the UN, committed to “not leaving anyone behind”. In the center of this year’s celebration is the “Closing of the Gender Gap in Science”. If you want to read more about this mission, you can find the “Call for Action” here.

Through the way, our world is shaped right now, with its demographic situation, climate crisis and the challenges of developing a sustainable societal and economic environment, the necessity of unlocking all the sealed-up potential arises. We cannot dismiss this huge depot of potential and creativity for our future development and have to let everyone, without restraints whatsoever, rise up to her or his true potential.

Europeana celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Following the celebratory day, Europeana focused on putting the spotlight on women working and leading in tech and digital cultural heritage across the Europeana Intitiative. The female tech and cultural heritage specialists were asked to think about what they would like to be asked about their work and give the answer immediately by themselves. This way, the focus should fall onto what they thought was the most important about their work at or with Europeana. If you are interested in their answers, go to EuropeanaPro.

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